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HG Dasiyogre Alter (1/144 Scale) Plastic Gundam Model Kit

SKU: BAN5065690


Bandai introduces the Daisy Ogre Alter, an upgraded version of the Daisy Ogre mecha from the anime "Synduality Noir." This model kit includes new weaponry like the Gamilant Blade, Saw Launcher, and an extended assault rifle. The assault rifle can be used with two hands thanks to its expandable front grip. The Gamilant Blade can be displayed in both deployed and stowed positions, and the Saw Launcher has a rotatable blade that can be detached and displayed separately. The cockpit and coffin components are highly detailed with sliding and opening features. The kit also includes mini figures of the main characters, Kanata and Noir, and offers options to change the leg design for various poses. Stickers are provided for additional customization.

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